By Vitus Ejiogu
There is one lesson that I want people to learn. It is the absolute necessity of fellowship with Jesus each day. God greatly desires this fellowship with man. He gave Jesus to man for the purpose of restoring fellowship with Him. Our fellowship should be with the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit and with one another (2 Cor.13:14; l Jn.l:3-7). If we must have fellowship with God, what are the secrets to true fellowship with God?
1. The Word Of God - To secure and maintain a strong and powerful spiritual life, an intake of God's word everyday is indispensable and an absolute necessity. Fellowship with God is found in His word, so let God's word be your delight. The word of God is the bread of life, as we break the bread daily we will see Jesus (Lk.4:30-34).
3. The First Love - The zeal and activities of the Church at Ephesus were shown but one thing was seriously wanting or left out, - FIRST LOVE (Rev.2:4). We find the same lack in the life of God children in the present day. Though, there may be zeal for the truth and other things, but what the Lord value most is still missing - the tender, fervent love for Himself. A Church or even an individual Christian may be an example in every good work and yet the tender love for Christ is missing. You cannot have a fervent love for God without maintaining fervent daily fellowship with Christ. His love can be satisfied with nothing less than a deep, personal love on our part (2 Cor.5:14-15). It was love for Christ that made Mary Magdalene and the other women to go to the grave to anoint the body of Christ (Mt.28:1-14; Mk.16:1-5).
4. Wholly For Christ - Wholly surrenderedness to Christ should be your earnest desire, prayer and firm expectation, if you want to experience daily fellowship with Him. Living unto yourself will deprive you of enjoying His fellowship, but living unto Him who died and rose for your sake opens you up to a blessed daily fellowship with heaven. This is also called total consecration to the Lord. The person who lives his life for Christ has lost his will to Christ, just as Christ lost His will to the Father (Jn.5:19, 30; 8:28). True happiness and blessedness is found only in consecrating your life entirely to God and His service. God is not looking for hearers, but doers of His word for they are the ones that are blessed (James 1:22-25).
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